Parents and Professionals

“I want to express my thanks for providing your expertise and presentation skills to this important project. The feedback has been excellent…and will provide a solid base for ongoing parenting education programs.” Peter Dudding, CWLC after a cross-Canada tour of the workshop, Making Sense of Physical Punishment.

What Groups Can Benefit from Parenting Today?

Kathy is a popular expert speaker for:

•parent groups,

•healthcare professionals,

•childcare providers,


•workplace based wellness programs

• professionals and organizations who care about children and families

. Over three decades of speaking to parents and professionals about children and families, Kathy has helped thousands of Moms and Dads heighten their parenting skills making a big difference in the lives of Canada’s children.

Participants at her presentations go home with usable tips and strategies that can be successfully implemented immediately. Not only do they see changes right away, but many years later they tell Kathy that what they learned from her continues to help them be the best parents they can be.

What do participants say?

“Kathy is an excellent presenter, her self-disclosure was appropriate, effective and memorable. Thanks for having her present.” Participant, Child Abuse Prevention Conference, Ogden Utah

“Exceptionally good message and delivery; a worthwhile, enjoyable evening; a lively, upbeat evening with contact that was informative and helpful…Kathy’s comments showed respect for both parents and children,” Parents at workshop sponsored by Jewish Family Services, Calgary.

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